Puppy Perspective 

Valentino our 11 week old puppy woke me up half an hour early this morning. Not a big deal to most. But my alarm goes off at 3. So 2:30 AM feels outrageous! Not to mention he woke up 2 other times during the night on my husband’s “shift”. As I approached his crate, I could hear his tail hitting the metal. This equals a smile of joy in puppy language. I put him outside to do his business . He stared at me the whole time. I knew what he was thinking. Play time!!! Here’s that fork in the road I preach about! How do I want to view this situation ? I know we are both up for the day. Instead of being grouchy about getting cheated out of my shut eye time, I decided to embrace the moment. Puppy, Angelo (the 2 year old dog) and I played tug of war, chase and enjoyed the moment.

We all encounter stressful events on a daily basis. The event has meaning, but our reaction to it has power! We truly have choices on how we want to react. I prefer to take the positive path. The more I travel this road, the more natural it feels. When you get to your own fork in the road, take a deep breath and remember you have choices. If 2:30 in the morning can be turned into an impromptu puppy party, anything is possible!

13 Comments Add yours

  1. Miriam says:

    It is indeed. But 2.30? Aaagh.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. plankful says:

      I know!!! Good thing he’s absolutely adorable!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. lovehappily says:

    Yes, everything is possible. Our approach to things matter a lot.


  3. heartandsoul777 says:

    Our attitude is where our power lies. I believe that with my whole heart. Thank you for that inspiring read. Your attitude is incredible and I hope you got to take a nap later in the day. Super cute pup!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. plankful says:

      Thank you so much!!!! I agree! We don’t have control over all our circumstances. But we do have control over our reactions! No nap for me. Stay tuned for more puppy pics! He’s teaching me a lot!


      1. heartandsoul777 says:

        i sure will! hope you have a great day!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. plankful says:

        Backatcha !!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. heartandsoul777 says:

        and please what is your secret? hahaa do you drink coffee by the bucket? is there a magical tea maybe? i mean youve a very early start to each day and no naps? i would love to start my day so early!


      4. plankful says:

        Lol!! I’m asleep very early!!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Jessie Browne says:

    3 AM is still the previous night! -_- Heh

    Liked by 1 person

    1. plankful says:

      Lol!!!! My internal clock is busted! Puppy isn’t helping to repair it either!


  5. “The event has meaning, but our reaction to it has power!” Wow! That’s a perspective that is worth remembering!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. plankful says:

      I’m glad you like it :-)!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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