The Why

I read, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl in grad school, about 25 years ago. I re-read it this week. This powerful book was written in 1946. Frankl wrote about his experience, as an inmate in an Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. The book does not focus on the details of the…

Is It True?

On Monday I told my mom I was going for a bike ride. The first one, since I was a kid. I told her, I was nervous. She said, “You should be. I remember how wobbly you were.” She spoke of a time she watched me ride a bike around her driveway, as an adult….

3 Things I Love To Hear

1. “Your hair looks good.” I have unruly locks. I don’t even need to hear that it looks amazing or great. Good is good enough for me. Call me vain, but this compliment never gets old. 2. “That was a great presentation.” When I’m public speaking, good isn’t good enough. This something I am always…

Slightly Better

I woke up in a bad mood yesterday. This is unusual for me. I typically wake up excited to start my day. I knew my pissy disposition was a result of current stressors. I was on overload. In the moment, I wasn’t sure how to improve my state of mind. I just felt cranky. Part…

Trying To Beat The System 

Losing weight takes dedication, focus and honesty. I know I am over simplifying. Yet I also think we tend to overthink the process. We can all come up with reasons/excuse why we can’t fit into our pants. We know what it takes to get to where we want to be. We just don’t do it….

Birthday Wish

Today is my best friend’s Birthday. It’s fun to reflect on 25 years of friendship. Gail will tell you she didn’t like me, when she met me. It makes me wonder where I would be, if she stuck with her first impression that I was a snob. Luckily she decided to give me a chance. …

It’s Just An Illusion

Facebook sent me a “memory” yesterday. It was a picture from 5 years ago. When I look at it now, I am shocked at how good my hair looks. Apparently FB has different recollections than I do. I remember the day that picture was taken. I remember where I was, what I was doing. I…