Busy Being Busy

Years ago if you asked how someone was doing, 99% people would say, “I’m good.” Now people respond with “Busy!” Ok, that’s my own statistic and it isn’t founded on any valid research. There just appears to be a shift and a trend. What’s the goal in telling everyone you’re busy? Or on a deeper…

Distractions, Diversions and Disruptions 

We are bombarded with thoughts, people and events that take us away from what we are doing now. If something isn’t pulling us away, we do it to ourselves. Not many people truly live in the moment. We are wired to focus on what’s next, what’s over there and avoiding what we have now. Meditation…

When It’s Not Fun Anymore 

I am blogging this from the elliptical machine at Foxwoods. One of the biggest casinos in the world. The land of excess.  Interesting people watching here. There are groups of bachelorettes whooping it up, elderly people cramming hundreds into slot machines and others walking around looking dismayed.  When people plan to go to a casino,…

One for you. One for me.

I love giving, helping and sharing. However, there is a limit. When I feel sad, edgy or tired, I know I have gone too far. Everyone’s threshold is different and everyone has one.  My job as a therapist, is to share people’s pain. To be honest, I’m only good at it, when I have met…

Slightly Better

I woke up in a bad mood yesterday. This is unusual for me. I typically wake up excited to start my day. I knew my pissy disposition was a result of current stressors. I was on overload. In the moment, I wasn’t sure how to improve my state of mind. I just felt cranky. Part…


I believe we see people’s true colors by the way they get on the highway. It’s interesting to watch if people plow straight ahead focused on getting there first. Or do they look around to see how their actions impact others? How do you behave when you think no one is watching? Radom acts of…

Peace Comes From Within 

We could be on vacation, at a beautiful destination, with our favorite person and feel unsettled. We could also be sitting in traffic, running late to go to an appointment we don’t want to go to and be at peace.  Finding inner peace is a skill we must learn and can learn. The fastest, easiest,…

Remain Calm

I considered smashing my computer the other day. I like to see myself as a peaceful person. I want to believe I would never follow through on such an aggressive thought. In a moment of full blown frustration, I didn’t feel like myself and I didn’t like it.  I felt the escalation all morning, while…