Busy Being Busy

Years ago if you asked how someone was doing, 99% people would say, “I’m good.” Now people respond with “Busy!” Ok, that’s my own statistic and it isn’t founded on any valid research. There just appears to be a shift and a trend. What’s the goal in telling everyone you’re busy? Or on a deeper…

If Only

As I looked in the box of cracked china, I laughed. I had spontaneously bid on a pile of junk at the auction, that I didn’t preview. Antique auctions move quickly and if you don’t act fast, someone else will. There are times during the bidding process I experience, “analysis paralysis”. Should I? Shouldn’t I?…

After You

I was invited to participate in ” A National Night Against Violence. “The event took place at a city park. A city that is not known for its clean streets, nice people or peaceful ways.  I sat on a bench in the shade waiting for my turn to speak. As I looked around I was…

The Why

I read, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl in grad school, about 25 years ago. I re-read it this week. This powerful book was written in 1946. Frankl wrote about his experience, as an inmate in an Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. The book does not focus on the details of the…

All Words Have Power 

I write my weekly blog on Tuesday mornings from the elliptical machine. While walking into the gym this morning I was pondering what today’s topic should be. The lady at the counter said, “I can’t wait to see your outfit. You always look so nice.” I turned, to see who she was talking to. Since…

Trying To Beat The System 

Losing weight takes dedication, focus and honesty. I know I am over simplifying. Yet I also think we tend to overthink the process. We can all come up with reasons/excuse why we can’t fit into our pants. We know what it takes to get to where we want to be. We just don’t do it….

Open The Flood Gates

My husband and I planned our wellness business for years before we opened our doors. We talked about what we wanted to do, why it would be different and who would be our clients. We would discuss the plan every chance we got. Our chats were like active vision boards. We came up with a…

Practice Practice Practice

I have facilitated hundreds of trainings, workshops and conferences. I still remember my first presentation. I didn’t prepare and it lasted 3 seconds. The feeling impacted me forever. What you think public speaking is like and what it’s actually like, are totally different.  Some say I’m a natural. I’m glad it looks that way. However,…

Not Me

  I was at a meeting recently with a substance abuse expert. Even though I am a therapist, my knowledge around substance use, misuse and prevention is limited. Everyone at the table rattled off questions to the specialist. We spent time discussing the contributing factors to why some kids try drugs and why some don’t….

All Is Well

Where’s your focus? Do you spend more energy thinking about what could go wrong or on what is going well? I believe in planning for the future. We need to be prepared. We don’t need to worry about every detail that could potentially go wrong.  There is a balance between thinking things through and obsessing….

Get Over It

Some events change us forever. For me it was a car accident. In 2000 I was stopped in traffic and got slammed into by an 18 wheeler. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember looking into my rear view mirror thinking,”Oh shit, I’m going to die!” I remember I couldn’t open my door….


I believe we see people’s true colors by the way they get on the highway. It’s interesting to watch if people plow straight ahead focused on getting there first. Or do they look around to see how their actions impact others? How do you behave when you think no one is watching? Radom acts of…