Busy Being Busy

Years ago if you asked how someone was doing, 99% people would say, “I’m good.” Now people respond with “Busy!” Ok, that’s my own statistic and it isn’t founded on any valid research. There just appears to be a shift and a trend. What’s the goal in telling everyone you’re busy? Or on a deeper…


I heard that death makes us more reflective. I know this to be true. My mother passed away last month. I seem to be thinking about life differently. What’s really important? What do I want to accomplish? What’s the big picture?  Author Norman Cousins said, “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest…

If Only

As I looked in the box of cracked china, I laughed. I had spontaneously bid on a pile of junk at the auction, that I didn’t preview. Antique auctions move quickly and if you don’t act fast, someone else will. There are times during the bidding process I experience, “analysis paralysis”. Should I? Shouldn’t I?…

Distractions, Diversions and Disruptions 

We are bombarded with thoughts, people and events that take us away from what we are doing now. If something isn’t pulling us away, we do it to ourselves. Not many people truly live in the moment. We are wired to focus on what’s next, what’s over there and avoiding what we have now. Meditation…

After You

I was invited to participate in ” A National Night Against Violence. “The event took place at a city park. A city that is not known for its clean streets, nice people or peaceful ways.  I sat on a bench in the shade waiting for my turn to speak. As I looked around I was…

The Why

I read, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl in grad school, about 25 years ago. I re-read it this week. This powerful book was written in 1946. Frankl wrote about his experience, as an inmate in an Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. The book does not focus on the details of the…

Tell Me Something Good

“The convenience store up the street, got robbed.” “Someone told me they saw a needle in the parking lot.” “The humidity is just awful.” These are some of the greetings, I got from a lady in the gym locker room this week. No, “Hello. How are you? Did you see the cool new equipment?” She…

Is It True?

On Monday I told my mom I was going for a bike ride. The first one, since I was a kid. I told her, I was nervous. She said, “You should be. I remember how wobbly you were.” She spoke of a time she watched me ride a bike around her driveway, as an adult….

It Is Possible 

What do you believe? In most cases, it is people’s beliefs hold themselves back, not actual circumstances.  There is a powerful relationship between your beliefs and your behavior. If your beliefs are negative, there is a good chance you will give up on pursuing your goal. What limiting beliefs are holding you back? “I can’t….

3 Things I Love To Hear

1. “Your hair looks good.” I have unruly locks. I don’t even need to hear that it looks amazing or great. Good is good enough for me. Call me vain, but this compliment never gets old. 2. “That was a great presentation.” When I’m public speaking, good isn’t good enough. This something I am always…

Good To Great

I am currently reading the book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. It’s a book about how good companies, transition to great companies. I’m not recommending you read it. I’m asking, if you are settling for good enough, some where in your life? The concepts can easily be applied to all goals…including fitness goals.  Discipline…

When It’s Not Fun Anymore 

I am blogging this from the elliptical machine at Foxwoods. One of the biggest casinos in the world. The land of excess.  Interesting people watching here. There are groups of bachelorettes whooping it up, elderly people cramming hundreds into slot machines and others walking around looking dismayed.  When people plan to go to a casino,…